好奇學生大哉問連結台灣專題講座 2024 年 04 月專題講座
主題:在全球巨震中,台灣下一代領袖和企業家的機會 - 來自矽谷的觀點
Opportunities for Taiwan’s next generation leaders and entrepreneurs amidst a global seismic shift—a view from Silicon Valley.
主講:Laura Ann Smoliar, Ph.D. (史蘿拉 博士)
Executive Director
Taiwan Science &Technology Hub @Stanford
地點:遠距視訊 (WebEx Video Conference)
Webex 的進場信息,在您登記後,系統會自動告知登錄成功,並將聯絡網址告知。
時程:04/19/2024 (星期五)10:10 - 11:45 noon (台北時間)
04/18/2024 (Thursday) 7:10 - 8:45 PM (Los Angeles time)
時間(TPE) |
內容 |
講者/主持人 |
09:00~9:30 |
網路設備測試 |
場控 |
09:30~10:10 |
觀眾進場 |
演講前導影片 |
10:10~10:15 |
開幕致詞 |
主持人 |
10:15~10:18 |
介紹主講者 |
輔仁大學 藍易振校長 |
10:18~10:50 |
演講 |
Laura Ann Smoliar, Ph.D. |
10:50~11:40 |
問題與討論 |
Laura Ann Smoliar, Ph.D. 及主持人 |
11:40~11:45 |
謝幕 |
主持人 |
嘉賓:Laura Ann Smoliar, Ph.D. (史蘿拉 博士)
Executive Director
Taiwan Science &Technology Hub @Stanford
Taiwan is at another inflection point in history, and the long-term outcome depends on the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs. In the United States, awareness has grown due to the essential role Taiwan plays in the supply chain of industries such as semiconductors and microelectronics. However, the future holds expanded possibilities for Taiwan to broaden into additional large global markets such as healthcare and biotechnology. This talk will focus on opportunities for the next generation to experience leadership and entrepreneurship programs in the USA while also serving as ambassadors for Taiwan, raising awareness and understanding at this pivotal time.
- 台灣在新興科技領域的潛力
- 赴美參與領導力與創業的優勢
- 下一代領導者肩負的使命
Dr. Laura Smoliar is the Executive Director of the Taiwan Science & Technology Hub at Stanford University. She brings over 23 years of scientific, management and venture capital experience from working cross-border between Silicon Valley and Asia. She co-founded the Berkeley Catalyst Fund in 2016.
Laura has an A.B. Summa Cum Laude from Columbia College, Columbia University, and a Ph.D. under Nobel laureate Y.T. Lee at UC Berkeley, both in Chemistry. She joined Professor Lee in Taiwan to work at Academia Sinica before working in Silicon Valley. She was elected Fellow of the SPIE (in photonics and optics) in 2020 and was an advisor to the Haas Impact Fund at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. She currently serves on boards of venture-backed companies, on the Leadership Council of Activate.org and on the Morningside Science Leadership Council of Columbia University.
洛拉・史蘿拉博士現任史丹佛大學台灣科技中心執行長。 她在矽谷和亞洲跨國工作超過 23 年,擁有豐富的科學研究、管理和創投經驗。 她於 2016 年共同創立了Berkeley Catalyst Fund
洛拉博士擁有哥倫比亞大學哥倫比亞學院化學專業的優等生學士學位 (A.B. Summa Cum Laude) 和加州大學柏克萊分校諾貝爾獎得主李遠哲教授的化學博士學位 (Ph.D.)。 在加入矽谷之前,她曾跟隨李教授前往台灣,在中央研究院工作。 2020 年,她被選為光學工程學會 (SPIE) 會士,並曾擔任加州大學柏克萊分校哈斯商學院哈斯影響力基金 (Haas Impact Fund) 的顧問。 目前,她還擔任創投公司的董事會成員、Activate.org 領導委員會成員和哥倫比亞大學晨興科學領導委員會成員。
歷屆演講影片 [YouTube] 好奇學生大哉問:連結台灣系列
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